VK posted this at 3:19 PM ET, and has since pinned it. 📌
Vincent Kennedy@VincentCrypt46
Kennedy laying it all out there.
Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
Silly me for thinking too much-When I grew up (still growing) ready for this-men NEVER had breast-I could blame it on dementia (me) - but I don't think so-what if they are putting hormones in everything, food, water, drinks?-my husband was very over weight & yet he still never had breast (old-schooled) something is making all men have breast. I am trying to figure all this out. Anyone with some answers?
It’s exactly what RFK Jr. is saying —
[They] are adding chemicals to everything in order to promote their nefarious agenda. I’m not sure what it is you are asking. Sorry.
Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
I was asking just what you answered. I talked to my grandson yesterday about this subject. I'm glad I know what I am talking about. I talked to my daughter a year ago & she didn't think the same as me. Thank you for confirming Mary