🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
Anonup is the perfect venue for us to strategize around new approaches. Nuance is a word that keeps flashing. I'm definitely speaking for myself as well. I basically posted a message at Instagram last night for the fence-sitters asking, "What is it that you don't get about "We have everything"? It's arrogant, I know. True, but arrogant. We need a new contraption for leading horses to water. 🤔
Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
We have it all, It's going to be Biblical, all the intel, biblical, hmmmmm. I wonder if The Akashic Record has become Sentient? How would something like that happen? What if we did it with AI and 5G? What if the God Particle is magnetic and can hold information? What if the Gods have the power to use this limitless Divine Operating System that we manifested? Oops. Gives a whole new spin to judgement day....good news for the Soldiers of God, not so good news for the adversary. ⚡⚡⚡
Owner/Proprietor of Alice's Restaurant at The End Of The Universe https://gab.com/Drops7Of7Jupiter https://twitter.com/HadesLady777
🔥⚡️Truth Finder/Frequency Anchor/Word Wizard/Lion Heart/Light Bearer/144K🔮🗝