The veterinarian came in and vaccinated all the animals against "the fashionable disease," and then they all DIED.
I've learned over time that vaccines for animals are just as bad as those for humans. So many pets these days have all these health issues, from diabetes, skin rashes, etc.
Killing the Cows too starve us out
Eat bugs too give us cancer
All mass murder agenda
US LEGAL resident alien, WWG1WGA, Out of Darkness into Light. Tallyho!!
I stopped them injecting my horse last Autumn... I noticed he would go off his food for a couple of days...
I deworm him if needed myself with Invermectin
God Won! Love & Family will always be everything! You are all family! Grandparents of 11
Dewormed and parvo are the only things my dogs have had
They are 7 &8 , healthy & happy