🇺🇸 My sentiments exactly, Kash.
Christopher Wary broke the law &
the FBI is in contempt of congress
for NOT turning over the document asked for
[& not releasing the contents of Seth Rich’s laptop, BTW.]
Kari Lake won without a doubt
we have the film.
The J6 prisoners are INNOCENT
we have the film.
The drop boxes were stuffed
we have the film.
Hunter is guilty
we have endless film, evidence, testimony.
President Trump won 2020
we have evidence in countless states.
This HAS to be a movie
& I would like it to end.
Can we roll the credits on this phase please, QTeam?
Let’s get to the good part —
The FIGHT BACK!! Arrests, Tribunals,
the “official” reinstatement of Trump in 2023! 😹🙏🏻🍿
#ITrustThePlan ❤️🎥

Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
If nothing obvious done by 1 July, the WH will be dealing with another revolution on their hands - from us.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Yes infuriating to say the least!
We have it all type of vibes
Agree, roll the movie credits soon please! Many still sleeping

Oy vey! And we're not even at the hard part yet
according to 107!! 🤯🙃😹❤️🇺🇸