Sharing citizen journalism, like the account of the child safeguarding event yesterday, is why me getting my Twitter account back is important. It's not about me or justice for myself, it's about the message that needs to reach the normies out there.

After half a dozen requests for review I just got mine back last week. I'd be happy to make a request for you if you like.
Here is a copy of our engagement. - Hello, We received your request to have your account reinstated. Please respond to this email with the reason you believe your account suspension was in error and/or the reason you are requesting an appeal. Once we receive your response, we will review and provide a follow up response with the outcome of our review. If this request is for an account reinstatement under our new criteria, please allow 3-5 days for us to review and respond. In some instances, it may take us longer to get back to you. Thanks, Twitter.
Hello Twitter, thank you for your response, I thought you forgot about me.
First, let me say that I was pretty new to Twitter, and TBH I was never informed of any infraction per se, just a 'permanent suspension' notice. So whether it was content related... IDK? My best guess is I shared an article one too many times that day? Though in my defense It was an article from a government website that I was sharing. From my POV I was just sharing pertinent information with like minded individuals, admittedly, maybe I got a little excited but when you have a hundred or so followers that's the only way to get anybody to see you on Twitter. I had a hundred or so followers, it's not like I was lighting up the world with my Twitter, it was mostly just handy as a news feed and for sports related content.

Right now I'm pretty happy with my Truth Social, so far so good I've never had a single post flagged for anything, they also have a 'Groups' feature which is nice because it helps you get friends and followers quicker - y'all should think about that especially for little guys like me.
In closing - I signed up for Twitter because of Elon Musk and the promise of free speech. Admittedly, I tweeted that I was there to '"test the upper limits of the free speech algorithm"... in the end, I did what I set out to do, I found the upper limits. Thank you again for considering my appeal. Joe Silver
Hello, We’re writing to let you know that we’ve reinstated your account under our new criteria. Should you run into any trouble logging back in, try requesting a password reset. Please note it may take 24 to 48 hours for your follower and following numbers to return to normal. If you need to get in touch with us again, please file a report through your Twitter app or our forms page. Thanks Twi