Hey, this is kinda neat...
I just logged into my back office and found that I still have active promoters working under me still and I haven't logged into my account but once last summer to check if I was still active as a promoter...Prior to that, I hadn't taken steps to order new products because my ex decided it was no longer important in my life (his reasoning is because I was spending too much time networking with others and not playing video games with him--he is such a baby--outside that, I dedicated all the time to my business, my loyal friends I had made (as I don't believe in selling products...I believe in just being myself and introducing myself to others--going live and talking about my own personal experience...the right people catch a vibe and they ask me about why I am so sane and in order...lol lol...I am well nourished with Vitamins...So the conversation just flowed naturally...No one will ever find me reaching out to a person to sell anything.