If we are getting a new money system, new internet, new everything... how much energy to spend on what we currently have? Or just chill and enjoy myself and let things coast a bit more in terms of making a living? A bit of WW3 theatre and transient economic collapse could give me a lovely excuse to avoid having to do responsible stuff.
Hi Martin! I often wonder about this too. Such an interesting tight rope to walk… I know it’s important to stay in a high frequency, prioritize self care and prepare for what’s coming- yet hard to engage in the stress and energy drain of the matrix - especially with a bunch of normies who think it’s just business as usual.
Loved your last essay ‘Anticipating the societal ultra shock’ - such a great testament to our predicament.
Thanks for all you do! The situation is challenging and your essays bring comfort. 🙏🙏🙏