Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Update: We will need to disable the old version located at v2.anonup.com. After restoring the followers and following last night they reverted back to '0' again. Both version being used at the same time could be the issue and we need to investigate further.
I wanted to give you an update — I installed Mozilla Firefox on my iPhone, and proceeded to do troubleshooting, and I believe I have found workable solutions for all of my issues with the new interface on my iPhone SE (3rd Gen), by using Firefox, instead of Safari, for most of my posting and commenting.
As for my second issue, the problem with copy/paste from Telegram appears to be a security issue with browser access to the clipboard when something is copied from Telegram. I have been able to successfully work around the problem by using a text editor as an intermediary.
Please, share this info with anyone else having issues with the new AU, in case it can help them. Firefox should be available for most, if not all devices. Thanks, Koba.
Attn: @administrator