🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
When I saw the VK post regarding Tartaria yesterday at Twitter I needed to pause- not because this material is new to us but because the magnitude of what is being disclosed really hit me. My mind turned instantly to the normies. How are they going to cope with all of this?Later in the day we would see the "speculation" surrounding hollow earth. I put speculation in quotation marks because I doubt highly that VK is going to float conspiracy theories at this point which could only serve to confuse or frighten. I keep asking myself what ascension is really. Figuratively, we already exist on a completely different planet that the vast majority of humanity. We also know that 2023 is the year. This leaves us less than 1 year for a LOT of disclosure. I often feel like the fish out of water but that's nothing new. You were chosen for a reason Truth seeker. Have a beautiful day.
"We already exist on a completely different planet
than the vast majority of humanity."
Truer words were never written, Fan.
It's not only true today
I'll bet it's been true for most of us

A work in progress! #Gospel of Thomas #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGAWW
Exactly!!! 100%

Been fascinated with how we are spread through out....some hear.
Trump said Free will... everyone makes their choice.
Have had family say they had to pay attention when talking with me...
Said I exhausted them...
I bought it for a while...
Curious ... their absence (of presence) made nature come alive.
When there is noone to talk to God makes adventures others miss.
Wouldn't change it!
The doe & her fawn stopped my tears.
The turtles showing up...from WHERE?
The dragon flies!
The praying mantis butterflies...
The heavens declares the glory of God and the WORLD THERE IN!

PhD -Aberdeen, UK 2012, Early Modern Scottish/British History; Research Historian; Mom of Lauren & Patrick, Wife of Ted; ULTRA MAGA Patriot
I rarely discuss this but I am a long time lightworker and since 1994 I have worked with a hypnotherapist to help others by going under hypnosis with a client and diagnosing their health and mental concerns. My 'higher power' hasn't been wrong yet.
Anyway, in the session we did on Sunday the 'guide/higher power' disclosed that all lightworkers are under attack. It's true-I went in for an epidural yesterday & was shouted at by the anesthesiologist & nurse because I had stevia in my coffee MUCH earlier. I did them a favor as they called & asked that I come in earlier...they treated me like garbage. The nurse even shoved the bp monitor at me which hit my just treated leg! Unbelievable but proves what we were told.
Be wary my fellow lightworkers, especially in the coming weeks. Until Pluto goes direct again (Oct 2023), we will be under attack.
God Bless you all as this Storm strengthens.