Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Update: We will need to disable the old version located at v2.anonup.com. After restoring the followers and following last night they reverted back to '0' again. Both version being used at the same time could be the issue and we need to investigate further.
Testing… 1.2.3…
Yay —
I downloaded Firefox and am able to successfully use it on my iPhone to comment in a normal manner. I can’t increase or decrease (zoom) my page size, or copy posts from Telegram. Still being able to easily comment is a BIG help!
I’ll attach how posting a comment looks on Firefox and how it looks on Safari, so you can see the difference. Again, I’m using iPhone SE (Gen 3). Please, share this info with anyone else having issues with the new version, using a phone, to see it can help someone else.

2 Chronicles 7:14 14 If My people who are called by My name humble themselves, pray, seek my face..... #GodWins #WWG1WGA #imovershit
Thanks, that was very helpful.

You can’t bring out the dark without Turning on the light. It’s about the children it’s always about the children The future is bright 🫶
Did u clear your history?

This has been going on for months… so, yes, many, many, many times.