🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
When I saw the VK post regarding Tartaria yesterday at Twitter I needed to pause- not because this material is new to us but because the magnitude of what is being disclosed really hit me. My mind turned instantly to the normies. How are they going to cope with all of this?Later in the day we would see the "speculation" surrounding hollow earth. I put speculation in quotation marks because I doubt highly that VK is going to float conspiracy theories at this point which could only serve to confuse or frighten. I keep asking myself what ascension is really. Figuratively, we already exist on a completely different planet that the vast majority of humanity. We also know that 2023 is the year. This leaves us less than 1 year for a LOT of disclosure. I often feel like the fish out of water but that's nothing new. You were chosen for a reason Truth seeker. Have a beautiful day.
Many people around us are still living their lives just the way they lived prior to 2020. The orders for staying indoors, 6ft distance, mask mandates, the shots, etc all obeyed/followed without questioning. I think that under the pretense of normalcy, they are struggling to understand the information that is getting released. I trust God and know He will take care of us and them. He will see us through what's coming.