It feels to me that the core divide in visions of society and life is:
- Transhumanism that disincorporates the mind from the body; information is power, separated from the mechanism; "model, view, controller" paradigm; centralisation of control in the model; surveillance for the totalitarian view; tyranny in the controller; no "skin in the game", as no skin in AI; essentially dualistic and dividing between the controller and the controlled; spirit opposes nature; fake morality of "law" of the mind and contracts; money as abstraction of energy of living things.
- Natural humanism that unifies mind, body, and spirit; everything is harmony of vibes; accountable by forcing skin in the game via embodied life; unifying consciousness of all living things; natural law and do unto others as foundation of morality innately peaceful; money eliminated as unnecessary as inclined towards service to all.
Doesn't change even if you become a galactic civilisation? Same patterns at all scales?

QSI Telegram, learning about Quantum Stellar Financial System, Medbeds, Liberty/Freedom, Checks and Balances, disclosure, Ascension,💜♾️
Ensoulment Vs DeSoulment
There is a Physics to life force.
How many people are not people?
What happens to genetic make up, people living in cities for generations?
Corporate structures, conspiring energies, usurpations, colluding manipulations.
What happens to our energetic frequencies, our Aura, life force living corrupted, against a collective flow, alignment with nature, life force?
Astra hygiene, a beautiful term.
Love your thoughts here Martin.
Thank you.
Enjoy your way with words.
May blessing shine with blissing vibes.

It also seems that “Natural humanism” starts with ❤️ LOVE!! It seems like “Love” is what separates us from Transhumanism? 🤷♀️
If we LOVE we start from a olace of Selfless TRUTH and are capable of empathy.
Transhumanism seems like the definition of SELFISH, as they are their own God and not able to “Love”! 🤷♀️
Bottom line…Spread Love.
*See a homeless person or encounter a mean person and maybe say a prayer to God and ask him to protect them & help them? Praying for someone seems to me, like the greatest gesture to show someone LOVE 💕! 🙏🙏🙏