I made a mistake today. Took a drowsy antihistamine for my spring allergies. Completely wiped me out. Have hardly done any work. Head is mush.
pHARMa, eh?
I was fed Benadryl throughout my childhood. What it does is disrupt your bodies ability to regulate histamine on it’s own. Stress eats up any Vit C we have in our system and that is what you really need for regulation.
I use fruit based Pure Radiance C by Pure Synergy. This last 6 yrs has taken a toll on me and I actually had a bad case of hives recently and so I took a C capsule and washed it down with OJ. Within the hour my hives had almost gone entirely. Stinging Nettles, in tea form if you can get it, works great as well. High in C. 😘