Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
The movie has become so lifelike that many of us forget that we are indeed watching a movie.

Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Just because it’s a “movie” doesn’t mean you stand around and do nothing.
I’ve always said from day one: Don’t ever trust me or anyone else online. Trust God.
He will show you what your role is.
It’s a movie because there are obvious actors playing out roles and it’s beyond our control to stop them as they carry out this part of the plan.
It’s frustrating as fook, but it doesn’t mean we stand around and just watch and it also doesn’t mean that family members and friends won’t reject you or be 100% healthy or safe.
We are in a war. A very serious one, that is “ancient in origin”.
Unprecedented times.
Dropping red.pills via 107 howitzer daily in person...not online...its amazing how many are waking up but need the blanks filled...

"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!
A friend just today said to me kiddingly, "So, what's the conspiracy today? What's supposed to happen today?" I told him everything's going the way it's supposed to and that God wins this. "It's all part of "the plan"? he asked. "Yep," I said. (Had already talked to him about Q, etc.) "Just wait and see. And make sure you have enough food and water for about a month, just in case. ;) (The good part about that is that he has been doing that for his family already. He said he feels something is going to happen, but isn't quite sure what. He's trying to live off the land as much as possible. Also, he does not like President Trump but is a conservative. I told him that he'd be back in office and that he's going to love what happens next. He just smiled/smirked. Well, that's a start. :)

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
I have a neighbor who will text me when she wants to go for a walk and catch up on the latest alternative info update of what is going on. She has a hard time believing what I tell her but she is one of the very few who actually listens and seeks me out.

Hate corruption and greed. Expose it all and end it
I love DJT and I live in Canada.
Trump for PM.
same thing