I sometimes tell myself "Buck up! This is nothing compared to what those in the front lines of the military face." But on the other hand they do get a salary, structure, cameraderie, support, respect. I hope the work of anons in this war is understood in future. The psychological pressure and suffering for many has been severe and sustained. We turned up and fought regardless or whatever weakmesses or wobbles we came with.
This last part to get over the finishing line is painful. I feel it in my whole body; the years of stress being "out there" battling in public do take a toll in the end
Martin you and so many anons who have been at this and standing here and showing the way, have my greatest respect. I've been fighting the vaccine battle for 11 years and sharing what I had learned, but not until now were many listening.
I keep getting the idea to write a children's book about these times and the Super Hero Anons....you are definitely one of them. Thank you for all you do and continue to do for all of us.