Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Former US President Obama to relocate to Kenya in June - FurtherAfrica
Former US President Barack Obama is resettling in Kenya for at least a year as SED, a deployment which he said “makes me truly grateful but his "dad" is not from there, heard that soetoro was his dad....cult of subud, all that. Was told took the Kenyan cover story to stir up bs via secret orgs, etc. AND to try and cause riffs for fako wars, via that. If you look at that other guy looks just like him. PLUS was called "an illuminati creation".
Barry never struck me as Kenyan in the first place.
Will we get to hear the truth who this dude actually was?
Primary used to describe it, pre net, when I asked for some "future proof" was about presidents being placed, not elected by us. Was told it was an "illuminati creation" and that Soetoro was the "dad" but who knows what that means with these devils....does look a shit load like him. Cult of Subud, but devils so many "cults" seemingly separate from the next one but not...ultimately. Told me he was being "groomed to be selected as president" I still say ONLY JFK and TRUMP TWICE were true presidents, and by sheer overwhelming numbers.