😼 It’s time for this movie.
The world wasn’t awake enough before now.
🎥 3-30-23 Angel Studios acquires the rights to
Jim Caviezel’s SOUND OF FREEDOM.
“‘Sound of Freedom’ is a riveting film
that shares the story of one man’s heroic efforts
to rescue children from human trafficking,”
says Angel Studios CEO, Neal Harmon.
“Sound of Freedom” is set to make its theatrical debut
during the second half of 2023.
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
SOUND OF FREEDOM is a beginning point
to help wake the public up to what’s been going on
right under their noses in plain sight.
It goes against Human Trafficking,
especially kids, the pedophilia..
Epstein Island is real.
All those things that happened were real.
Children were the victims.
If you’re going to get the country back on track
part of it is to attack this pedophilia culture,
this victimization of children.

Dig deep on Ballard. I think the movie was delayed in hopes Tim Ballard will be exposed. Ballard replaced. Ballard Mormon strong connection to Mitt Romney and HRC.

🌟Spirit Within Guides, Divine, Eternal Being having a human experience ♥️ Patriot God bless 🇺🇸 Jesus Christ 💞 Unconditional Love🐾 🐾
Treading the path of Truth requires a good measure of spiritual will. God can only speak to what God has created within you, and only what God has created in you can fully respond to what God wills for humanity. What God wills and what people want are not the same. That is why we are living in 'separation' because many people still want 'things' for self that God did not intend. That is why many are in conflict, and this is the source of all conflict. This is why the needs of the soul go unmet. This is why we see the world we see. The Will of God is a greater truth, you must 'see' that this truth exists beyond your ideas and concepts, beyond your fears and preferences. How it will be recognized, how it will be expressed, when it will be recognized, when it will be expressed, are all dependent upon you and others & your circumstances. But the truth itself remains pure and unassailable and the Power that God has placed within each person is in the heart as it knows Truth.

Beautifully put, Margical 🕊❤️

Insn´t he one of THEM ??? Look at his "wife" !

I don't understand what you're saying?
Whose wife?

Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Angel Studios also has the series The Chosen. It is a great series to watch. There are three seasons so far. Each season has 8 episodes. It is the story of Jesus and the disciples. Excellent! 👼

Believea God IS, mom of 3, grandmother of 3, Trump supporter from the onset, advocate of the REAL CONSTITUTION, bad at technology!!
I disagree
the world.is awake enough. Throw the match. Let's not keep coddling the sleepers. Coddling has been partly responsible for our wuss , woke society. The military appreciates the value of boot camp. Let's mirror that NOW.

There's a BIG difference between
TELLING the truth
& people ACCEPTING the truth.
If President Trump had told America
about the deep state demons in 2016
But after 2 years of faux-Biden
& catastrophe after catastrophe —
Ukraine War, open Borders, banks closing,
J6 committee LYING, Ghislaine Maxwell arrest,
Hunter Biden laptop, vax deaths, etc.
people are ready to listen.
I see this in my own life
with people who wrote me off as cuckoo
a few years ago.
Now they bombard me with questions & LISTEN.
IF SOUND OF FREEDOM had come out in 2021
no one would have BELIEVED it.
NOW America knows ALL ABOUT
thanks to people like Senator Cruz.
THIS is the year for SOUND OF FREEDOM 🙏🏻
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?
Difficult truths.