They did this to stop a special election from occurring that would most assuredly end in a republican being elected.

A downgrade would have been tougher to pull off.

I'm friendly just enough to get by without people calling me an asshole.

they think we're stupid

OMG they expect people to believe this !! Neck, eyebrows, Jaw line, ears, eyes, nose etc. Not the same ! Fetterman was a unfortunate clone for the DS. Sad he died, but this is ridiculous. Hope Congress makes a few comments.

Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
2.0 looks like he has a soul.

I stand with President Trump and patriots WW! #GodWins 🙏
Hahahaha 😂

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.🌹
Definite clone, ears are totally different and surely eyebrows and cheekbones. Anyone with a brain should not be allowing him to even represent the Senate! 😖😠😠

Did the cyborg malfunction?

Hope he was on one of the military aircraft I have been seeing .

The numbers are not in their favor if Fetterman and Feinstein are ‘gone’. The DS is panicking!!#PanicInDC