Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA
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Good Morning, Sounds like great team work. Have a great day!

God fearing wife and mother of five grandmother of one princess. I love my country and Trump. #GODWINS #SAVETHECHILDREN
I didn't know this, thank you for sharing. Made my heart smile.

Good morning Vincent :)

Q, patriot, holistic healer for humans and dogs. Certified in dogs. I'll speak my mind no matter what. Be nice or get lost.
Wow, I didnt know that.

I lost my beloved crow Eloise 2 days ago. I am very sad because she accompanied me for 19 years. She died on the day when my friend came home after an operation. I am very grateful that the operation went well.
For that I thank God.
We still have our magpie that comforts me.
I always had the feeling that both of them take care of me like two guardian angels.
Rest in peace my beloved Eloise.
I will never forget you and pray
that you are in a very beautiful place.
🙏🙏🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I love you and will always love you.

"Have courage and be kind." I love God & all His creation, history, and holistic living. Live with purpose. Let's see what Jesus unfolds!
So very sorry to hear about your beloved Eloise... Crows are so beautiful and smart, and I have no doubt that your little one was too... Someday, I believe you'll see her again, flying around Heaven, having so much fun... I love birds, too, and feed some crows that visit the backyard. So, I feel your loss... Sending you lots of comfort in Christ through prayer... Much peace and love to you, Klar... 😔🙏

Pissed off Patriot through the first plunge. Madhatter made it back. I love United We Stand. Very intuitive and empathic. #WWG1WGA

I fight the Judicial arm of the British Crown & lose Every-time, but I keep fighting w/o a law degree cause I know.
Very cool!

Crows are also called "wolf birds".

Afternoon, VK.
I’ve been offline for several hours, so, I don’t know when you did it, but, I see that you increased the APL from 9.541 to 9.543 — as March Madness heats up.
Caps = 13 > 4 > 1111.
TS = 10:27.
Apr 04, 2018 9:45:45 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

So the old crow fell and is in the hospital. Oh well. Jaijian!!!

Good morning VK.

We the People 🇺🇸 Knowledge Is Power✨ God is a frequency tune in 🔊 God Wins ❤️
Good morning, VK!
United! 🦅🐺

Crows are comm messengers. Magical info. Wolves also highly regarded. Benefited from this knowledge. They offer us much needed wisdom. t/y Happy Day VK

🇺🇸🇺🇸55🇺🇸🇺🇸. Suspended 11 times on Twitter, 8 on FB. Twitter @5Never_Give_Up5. https://truthsocial.com/@5Never_Give_Up5
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

Not a day goes by where animals don’t amaze me!
Miss you VK, you’re spread thin these days. Hope the Twit fam is waking up!

Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
That is wonderful. AND crows can pass on that facial recognition of Friend or Foe down two generations of crows. So great-grandbaby crows know without ever having seen the face personally whether it is friend or foe.

FULL faith in Jesus Christ! Trump Loyalist. JFK fan. Blessed to be part of The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! #FamilyIsEverything #TRUMP2023

Patriot. Veteran. 😎 Queenie. Just call me Smoo. 🤗 Animal Rights = Human Rights. Proud PITBULL momma! #Godwins.
Seems like there’s a double entendre in there.

FULL faith in Jesus Christ! Trump Loyalist. JFK fan. Blessed to be part of The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! #FamilyIsEverything #TRUMP2023
prayer sent 🙏

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
No good? 🤔
Someone up to no good?
GoOD morning to you VK. 😎

Mornin’ VK 🥰🙏🏼
We have so much to learn from ALL Our Animal Friends! Wolves are fierce in the Wild, but are only hunting What they need for food! They are just surviving, otherwise they are a Shy Animal! You have to earn their trust. They protect their Young and Elders of the Pack with Their Lives! I was Lucky enough to help rescue a few Hybrids that man was inter-breeding! Now the hybrids can be dangerous as they have mixed thought process! Thankfully the 3 We rescued One full blood female and 1 Hybrid Male were returned to Northern reserve, and one, we named
“Mikatihai” was used for teaching about Wolves and Hybrid’s their differences here in Texas! It was a thrilling experience in my younger days! And a Memory I will never Forget! I am Forever bonded to Their Spirit! ❤️🐺🙏🏼🥰

A healer with many hats. Nature Mom is my fav Do from your heart and you will never be wrong Happily married to my soul mate
Good morning VK
A crow always shows up for me before I travel!!! 5 were harassing my hawk yesterday too..think they are jealous that the hawk's wing brushed my leg Monday

Love God #FamilyisEverthing Love my Country #GodAlwaysWins 🙏🏼🙌🏼💖🇺🇸
GM Vincent there’s a purpose of all Gods creatures 🕊🙌🏼💖

Denver Digital Soldier, Believe in the Promise of Q. Twitter Refugee, Independent Thinker & Anon. Patriot. Family is Everything.

"The Quiet one" ; ) full of hope, humor, gratitude & coffee. Forever Curious. I believe "THE BEST IS YET TO CQME."

Yep, Crows are smart. We observed a crow outside of our previous home. He was dipping a earthworm in the bird bath to clean the dirt off of it before he consumed it. We also observed a crow grab a rat by the neck and flew off with it.

Why do crows not get hit by cars?
Because there is always another crow yelling, "Caw! Caw!"