Q is a Military Operation .
The Military is in Control .
Do you Trust the Military ?
Do you Trust the Plan ?
Where We Go One, We Go All Patriots!!! πΊπΈπ¦
Do I trust The Plan? I see no plan. I see a lot of strange, conflicting events. I see a lot of confirmation bias. When something seems good we say "look how good that is," but when something seems bad we say, "it's all part of the movie." Pompeo saying the Biden admin needs to do something about the coup in Myanmar? Just part of the movie. Keystone Pipeline workers losing their jobs? Uh ... yeah, that's part of the movie too.
It is long past time this damn movie comes to its happy conclusion because I for one am sick of it. I JUST want our republic back. No more games. No more movies.
It's worse than just confirmation bias, because 99% of the time these things are reposted and turned into memes WITHOUT any links or citations. That doesn't really cut it for me.
I suspect there are many people here poisoning the well deliberately.
We need to be more vigilent than EVER when it comes to filtering information.