Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Does the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act also give white hats legal grounds to lie to Americans even though it’s utilizing plausible deniability to use deception while also saving the world?
Sounds plausible to me.
Two Wrongs do not make a right.
An Unlawful Government acting legal does not make things lawful, what is legal must be lawful.
Being lawful or not does change.
The White Hats have the ability to use the foundations of law.
Corruption has been lying, cheating, doing fraud, enslaving the nation and its countries since 1871 to say the least, its going back further.
Just because BAR associations created fake fraudulent legal systems does not make those fraudulent systems lawful, being lawful is against the peoples rights, its a trespass to the peoples rights, violations to a lawful constitution, there is also international law that is to protect the nation.
Natural law is, and natures God is the foundations of Law for the people, this does not change not matter what name (Legal) some fraudulently looses.