@qthestormrider777 has written a massive cabal history.
Will post all but begin with the Rockefeller COLLAPSE.
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
The first business emissary to China was GHWBush.
When he returns from China he becomes Director of CIA.
Who else is leading the attack to get China into our camp?
Henry Kissinger / Council of Foreign Relations
a Rockefeller operation.
All these agencies are run by disciples of the Rockefeller mentality.
David Rockefeller does this famous speech near the end of his life,
"The world needs to be run globally”
GHWB 11 years before 9-11 on 9-11-90 does his speech
"Out of these troubled times A NEW WORLD ORDER can emerge.”
All the enemies of President Trump
are almost universally from this Rockefeller camp.
Bill Clinton is a hidden Rockefeller. His Dad is Winthrop.
Who set up banking in China?
Rockefeller people: Kissinger & GHWBush.
Some one special to some. @surdog007 (tw) @godrus on truth social telegr
I don't know what to think of Ron Sanctimonious!
Q The Storm Rider says
he's playing a role in Q's movie
& the feud with DJT is part of the story.
It may be that he's as bad as we all think
but when the final reveal comes
I'm certain we're going to be SHOCKED
at who is actually a White Hat
& a Black Hat
& who is a double-triple-or-quadruple-agent!
I remember Juan O Savin saying something like,
in Intelligence Work
you have to be CONVINCING to the other team.
So people you may THINK are bad
are actually good
& people you think are good
are actually bad, playing good,
then going back to bad!! 🙃❤️
The notion of 'black hats' and 'white hats' has never set too well w/ me
Too close to Hegelian 'good/bad' cop trickery and manipulation which has been an satanic elite tool for eon.
Is it "going to be Biblical"?
"And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand" Mk3:25
I think so