Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Sometimes Catturd is hilarious and sometimes on target!
However, let's get Clear about who the enemy really is!
IT's NOT Liberals, Democrats vs Conservatives, Republicans!
IT's NOT christians vs non-christians!
IT's definitley not the World vs Jews!
It's the MK-Ultra'd vs the MK-Ultra'd!
As I've said before, Evil infiltrated EVERYTHING!
EVERY institution, level of government & EVERY religion!
The Conservative MK-Ultra'd "flock" is less scattered.
While the Liberals are scattered and more Free thinkers, making it easier create false narratives in their name!
The Cabal created BOTH!
Both contain christians, compliant when certain words & phrases are used.
Division, hatred, judgement, anger, etc is the Evils FOOD!
The "Woke" are no more MK-Ultra'd than the majority of the Aware.
Aware does NOT equal Awake.
This has NEVER been about Liberals, Conservatives, skin color, etc!
Good vs Evil is not just a catch phrase to be thrown around!
Few are yet AWAKE! ⤵
I saw this movie! Star Trek - The Voyage Home. Yah..whales saved humanity on earth.. On a high note though,,..... uh... nope.. no high note. The inmates are running the asylum