Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!
Does the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act also give white hats legal grounds to lie to Americans even though it’s utilizing plausible deniability to use deception while also saving the world?
Sounds plausible to me.
I disagree with your term "Lying to the American People" White Hats are not lying about anything their simply using the system their working in to hide the ultimate motive of destroying the system with its own rules.
The fact is that EVIL AGENDAS WORLDWIDE will always destroy themselves and they actually are doing just that White Hats have removed their ability to cover their sins with distractions, thus exposing them so much that their own rules are working against them!
"Disinformation" is used on both sides to lead us to wrong conclusions so the right outcome happens and our enemies don't see it coming, we also use their info against them mixing it with certain facts that promote missteps and bad mistakes! (Hence a Trap)
💥The Bible is filled with examples of this kind of intelligence op happening to Israel's enemy's constantly causing them to kill each other instead of God's ppl!💥