🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider explains
the Anon movement:
Why QTeam did NOT organize Anons
like the deep state organized ANTIFA or BLM.
Our anonymity kept us SAFE
& enabled us to post the TRUTH 24/7
to be read by MILLIONS every day
& MILLIONS of lives were saved
through our networks sharing information
on vaccines, the cabal, EXPOSING DS Ops, etc.
Q MIL OPS have eclipsed the MSM
with Q networks, Freedom Fighters,
Underground ANON networks,
Conservative networks.
In less that 3 years Freedom Fighter Ops
spread throughout the planet.
have defeated the deep state
through a cloud of war
Suggest every Anon around the globe
read QTSR's post
& read it with pride 🙏🏻🕊❤️
👇 QTSR 2 pgs
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
https://on.soundcloud.com/QmEdc https://on.soundcloud.com/d1zYG https://on.soundcloud.com/LPZqJ
But Charlie...I dont see u as anonomous. U have a pic of urself as ur profile...thats one of the things I love about u! Idk why it bothers me so much...anonymity, except it's why I never had a social media account or desire...there was no accountability or Trust possible. And from what I know now....its allowed alot of evil to exist right here on the innernet. See, to me Charlie...U rock cuz I can see u. I still have to Trust that it IS u...and thats a problem for another day. But I love the guy in the picture and it's him I speak to. Color me naive. Ur my favorite "anon" as for ur take and contribution...I see u as a real good guy!, partly cuz i can see u. And many i cant see. I hope u get what I mean. Not weird I hope.👋🫤🤍🏁🤍
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
I waited to respond a bit, Victor because as you know, I chose words wisely and have to process what I read... I love you, as well and fully understand what you you mean when you say that by putting my real photo as an avatar, you get a better sense of who I am. I am not putting on airs, or pretending to be someone I am not.
I used to have a different avatar, and as several people pointed out back then, it was not congruent with the words I type.
I agree with you that to a degree, anonymity has perpetuated some of the evil and people have been able to hide behind a mask of sorts.
I am who I say I am, and I know you are you.
Your comments to all of us show a desire for true connection and dialogue- not just some pat or canned response.
I respect the fact that you take the time and are a big part of the community here. I am grateful to call you friend.
As my @ name shows... "Quilibet" I can be nobody or everybody... : )
Well said BigGuy! And thank u for those kind words to me. I admit that anonymity is very necessary for some and for a plethora of reasons I'm sure...so, I will respect the decision many make regarding that. And I will give u credit for my statement...its why I require correspondence and not just give a canned response as u say...I need interaction for my own growth...and sometimes I need someone to say: That's not funny, or maybe that was harsh and unnecessary...im different moods as anyone else, and sometimes get too frank, or say something foolish, but it will always be honest... and humble, if not at first. Thank u for responding Charlie, and ur time of preparing ur thoughts was well worth it...I dare say: U make me better man for it. It's why I look up to u with respect, and Love!
Happy WW3 Day my friend!!!...but we call it Wednesday in muh foxhole! We got nukes for later if ya wanna come by and fire some off, there will be Bar'B'Q food too! Whoop Whoop!!!