Anons know the vomitus crimes
the demons have committed.
The depravities, horrors & endless agonies
they perpetrated on
of innocent children, men, women & animals
with their trafficking
disgusting experiments
perpetual wars
poisons & destruction over eons.
I’m relieved we have a President
who is as resolved
to bringing these monsters to justice
as we have in President
& Commander-in-Chief Trump.
Rolling Stone 2-14-23
“Specifically, Trump has talked about
bringing back death by
firing squad
by hanging
& possibly even by guillotine.”
Edmond : [why he doesn't want
to just kill his betrayers]
“Death is too good for them.
They must suffer as I suffered.
They must see their world, all they hold dear,
ripped from them
as it was ripped from me.”
- The Count of Monte Cristo, 2002
👇3-year Deltas
Do you have any update on the Tesla Med beds and the availability to use them? Insurance or out of pocket for use? Will they be able to cure diseases such as cancer, MS, etc? Please let me know anything you can provide!!!!!