What hobby/activity are you the most passionate about in life?

Degree Applied Sciences.World Champion Barrel racer. Computer Graphic Specialist double College certified. Former zookeeper. and a lot more.

Patriot, veteran, father, Trump supporter, WWG1WGA.
hunting and fishing

Happily married, Mom of two. I love my God, family, and my country. NO DM’S.
Currently? Botany, I'm trying to go herbal with all the medicines I can. It's facinating how God really did create everything we could possibly need in nature.

#wwg1wga #thegreatawakening #thestormisuponus #maga
My family! 4 grown children, 12 grands! so far!

Proud Patriot. Love God , America and our Great President
Wood carving

God*Wife*Mom*Patriot*SAVEOURCHILDREN*TRUMP is my President
Reading, teaching, gardening, loving on children. I would have had 10 if I could. We are biologically set at 3.

Deep meanings, truth, creativity, and innovation. Research is a hobby, learning truth, living and speaking freely, creating, exploring, studying energy, astrology (planetary energetic influence), the universe. Etc etc.

Blinding Ray of Sunshine. Herculean Heart. Medicine Woman.Creative Solutionist. Bent, not Broken.I’ve Seen My Darkside+Nothing Left to Fear.
growing plants, farming, growing herbs + medicinals, creating medicine from them and llistening to them, reading all things holistic health, taking care of my clients, learning how to be majority self sufficient in nearly all aspects of my life and collaborating and supportings others who have this same mindset. always growing and learning!!

I'm a conservative christian lady. I love God, family, dogs(sometimes cats), Trump and USA. I'm a member of the Patriot Party. #WWG1WGA
Painting and cross-stitching. I'm hoping to learn how to knit.

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
I have a lot of interests just not expert in any❤️design, architecture, decorating, gardening, cooking, reading&research, sports cars, walking nature paths, the beach

Care for my medicinal plants and make tinctures and tea from them. Nature has everything we need to be healthy.

Painting, nature, nurturing my family.
btw: thank you, doc, for asking this question. it was invaluable on so many levels.

I love God, my family and my country! I’m married, 7 grandchildren. President Trump please come back. 🚫NO DM please 🚫
animal rescue

I am a 51 yr old mom of 2 awesome kids. I walk on faith in Gods grace. I ❤️Trump n All patriots n want to help humanity in any way#GodSpeed
me too mainly dogs

TRUTH SEEKER - Happy Wife - Proud Mom of 5 with 3 Sons Active Duty Military - She's a Marilyn in blue jeans with a touch of Jackie O
Gardening & travel. 💗

caring for people who need it the most

Truth seeker, writer, painter, fur-mom 🐶🐱 Yeshua 🙏👑
Painting & Writing

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
seeing my children smile and fee outside
Where We Go One, We Go All! 🌎☮️
The Patriot Party!
Patriots please help👇

God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, and Trump is my President. #LoveWins #GodFamilyCountry #JustSayNoToSocialism


Art, from painting to sculpting & everything in between. Classical music adds to this as well. I used to read before having 3 kids lol Now art soothes the nerves & soul ❤️ Camping/travel is in our blood (mil) 🤗

Just another angry cat with a happy spirit ! Question?? Everything you come across! When you Know you Know!!
I don't know? I use to love surfing but I think I'm at a crossroads of what to do moving forward... Loved reading the responses though, might give me some idea's & inspiration!!

always since day 1.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
The answer to that question would totally depend on whether or not Med beds can fix Nana's spinal disc!
Nana has several passions, and then there are things that I am actually good at. Some of those two are the same things and some are not;
Fix the earthsuit and Nana would light shit up!

Awakened harshly about 9 months ago. Only way for me these days. Truth. Love of design, architecture, the kitchen, herbs, essential oils
LOVE your answer❤️And yes we need the Med Beds

Fixing up our older home. Id love ideas for my 12 year old son. he is playing piano and likes to read. He loves sports but teams cant get together now because of Covid.

Just a Patriot that hopped over to this lily pad to check it out 🐸
Although i dont do it regularly ...yet... horseback riding!


🇺🇸Patriot MAGA 🇺🇸Trump best President ever! Love of country, Family, Faith🇺🇸And guns. Thank you to all who served past and present❤️
Dancing hiking traveling reading learning new things helping others swimming

God has already won. ✨🙏🏼✨ Eternal optimist, truth seeker, deep thinker, Gen X, Ninja, Leo, INTJ and always barefoot. Stay shiny frens! 😊
Learning, teaching/mentoring kids, gardening, cooking, hiking, cycling, home improvement/construction projects, adventuring, jewelry making, and spending time with the grand kids.