Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

Good morning Patriots!

Put God first and everything else will fall into place, perhaps not in the ways we have asked for, but in the ways that are in his plan for our lives.

The more we realize this and manifest a future that is in Love and Service, imo, the more God and the Universe returns the positive energy we are sending out.

Connect with God because we are actually a fractal pieces of Him, so the closer we are and the closer we walk in Love and Service the more our hearts are filled with Joy and Happiness.

Take God with you every day, all day, how can we not, we are part of Him. Everything in existence imo is energy, and God is the highest entity in existence, literally everything everywhere are particles of God and we are pieces of Him He has created.

When things get sketchy, lean into God, and away from fear.

TRUST THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL | 1 Hour Powerful Christian Motivation - Inspirational & Motivational - YouTube

Keep trusting God. He is always in control even when your circumstances may seem out of control. So, when you are feeling overwhelmed remember to trust God a...

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

his, he, him, papa, father, dad,
History...we are in a corrupt male dominated reality all patriarchy that has abused, hidden &#1 sex traffickers are WOMEN...killed all women at one point in this reality, then realized they could NOT create more humans without women!!!

& by not acknowledging there is a mother as in mother/father God/Creator's playing right into their playbook!!! In this reality we are seeing the distortion! YOU CAN'T HAVE A HUMAN BABY WITHOUT A SPERM & EGG OR THE RIGHT CHROMOSOMES!

By ignoring this fact- it's doing their bidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's why they want all women men & all men women - SO THEY CAN'T CREATE! Why does Juan NEVER mention she, her, mother? Time for the veil of "invisibility" to drop...I'm not playing this part of game any longer...THERE WERE TWO, there was ALWAYS TWO!


Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Not Important to his Publication

Idk hun, all I can tell you is that when I left my Earth suit in my NDE I was just pure energy, not male or female and the God that was around me was not male or female either, was not any kind of human definition of existence, God was an higher being of energy but different from me because God was quite literally everything everywhere, ever single particle in existence down to microscopic not even visible.
There was no Mother Father. Not arguing just explaining what I saw and felt. We only call God Him, but I don't really see God as a He or a She either one since then. I would assume that God could manifest into anything he, she, or it.

I have seen other species that I could not tell anything about what sex they might be, could have been both for all I know.
In the highest order, my opinion is that sex in itself is a particle matter manifest of creation choice.

There were no tunnels, no bright lights, just God and me in the expanse of all that is.

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

I agree with a lot you said &!i feel the same in a higher or sideways or other realm plane/dimension/reality it doesn't matter & they are ONE....but some souls come here to split & each learn from duality ✨ my point is to bridge the gap back to healing as ONE, the truths of mother/father aspect should be introduced back into this realm for healing the skewed, unbalanced, one sided dominance.. (R & D, moon & Sun, blue & red - which make one color purple 👈🏻A reason used by baddies, originally a blessing) harmonic balance needs to be restored and to be revealed -BOTH truths & aspects should be known. Or your skewed healing & history will repeat itself to patriarchy dominance again again & again.

AGREED THAT Beyond THE veil they are ONE.

The etymology of word "she/he" was one in the same in ancient language just meant child ..when you referred to a child ...words have been manipulated &changed & new definitions given to create the fake illusion of division.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Not Important to his Publication

I understand but I also feel like men have been beaten down the last several years to the point that most do not even protect their families, total wusses.

Here is how Nana has always seen this transpire.

All thro the history that I know it has been the same template.

You have Black ppl that were ligitimally oppressed, they rebelled and won equality, but the problem is that with all oppression what originally starts out as wanting equallity turns into in reality wanting to be come dominate over their oppressors.
Now White ppl are becoming oppressed.

Same thing with other races, same thing with women.
Women are even more of an example. Women WERE oppressed yes but most women that I see in the "Woman's Movements" of today have not wanted equality for a long time, they have demanded dominance and beat down their oppressors.

It ends the same in all cases that I see. The issue is to learn "Balance" as you say but that is not what has been happening,

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Yes & all the example/events you stated (& many more for centuries) WERE PREPLANNED PROGRAMMING...nothing to do with true humanity itself.

All the warped race this & race that & make this & female that are mind control programs that can only be DESTROYED BY TRUTH LOVE & HARMONIC BALANCE.

IT ALL HAS TO GO! yes men have been attacked to esp these last 50 years with propaganda in schools, tv, magazines, books entertainment & SOY in every damn food item out there...messing with both male & female emotions & hormones. Again all true in the illusion.

To escape the illusion, the balance must be restored in one's own mind & heart & then to the reality ...not sure how this can be done when ONE HALF non-existent.

“This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14

In response Not Important to his Publication

Besides parents gathering together to solve issues on their communities, we need a Parents Bill of Rights that grants them the ability to monitor all of their children's internet activity, and with the assistance of law enforcement, the ability to have a 'difficult' child escorted to a prison for a eye-opening experience they won't soon forget. For the most part, the solutions are simple, but the people in positions of power are indifferent and corrupt. Let's hope they are beginning to hear the freedom loving rational thinkers out there that have had enough. Our kids need fearless protectors, or we can fail them. The choice is ours.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Just Mee to his Publication

Most definately changes needed.

There are parents especially single Moms that have lost control of their teen &they need assistance in reigning them back in or getting them mental help especially where many cant afford it or have no mechanisms to force their teens to treatments.

Several ys ago for instance, I had a woman in my Mothers of Loss group that had taken her granddaughter maybe 5yrs old after her son died. The little girl had such severe mental issues that the whole family slept at night with locks on their bed. doors because she had threatened constantly to kill them all in their sleep.
She tried for years to get real help for that child & had doors closed in her face from every agency she approached other than the state taking her and placing her into a foster home.

You would not believe what that family went thro. The little girl was like two different kids, some days the sweetest humble child desperate for love and the other one that you had to hide the knives.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

Met a lady in Florida who had a child like that. She had adopted the child as an infant, but as the girl grew she became more and more violent. Counselor after counselor yielded no results. She said finally someone told her about a church in the area that knew how to deal with that sort of thing. She took the 10-year-old little girl to the church. As the deliverance minister prayed over her, the child ran under the table and said "Stop! You're burning me; you're burning me!" Just like in healthcare, the only way to get rid of the problem is to deal with the source of the problem.

Sometimes (not always by any means) when a child has no stable parentage, they will get a spirit of rejection (demon that enters through that wound of rejection). That spirit can be violent. That's why that child has 2 personalities -- one is not hers.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou

In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication

I would agree with that for sure, and I some of us did suggest that to here as well. I haven't seen her for yrs so not sure how it turned out. Sad tho.

Sorry but you messaged me yesterday or this morning and I deleted it by mistake on the new platform.

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

New platform still has lots of bugs.
Last night I posted about a book I just ordered; the post received 1 "like", and by morning had disappeared completely 🔍🧐
Took me 30 minutes to repost it this morning because of all the glitches.
But I was determined 🤣🤣
This is the post --

If you have time for a quick book (92 pages), the PDF link is posted in the thread.
It's a WOW read -- faked history, other beings helping to liberate humanity from the watchers by devising an elaborate plan, clones, giants, spirituality, etc etc etc.

Thanks I will take a look, have been visited by "Watchers" a 3 times.

In response Here KittyKitty to her Publication

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Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time

In response Angels Here -Z to her Publication

I remember you mentioning that.
The ones they're referring to are the bad ones, the ones who control and enslave us. They call them the 'Custodians'.
As I was reading the book, I was thinking, "yep, we've heard about that, and that, and that..." 😂