Happily married ! Mother and Nana. God given truth seeker ! I love my county ! To God be the glory forever for always
To the administrator of AU. You probably will not see this but I HAVE to try. I have enjoyed this platform VERY MUCH. Since you have updated it though I can NOT reply to post, I can NOT get to my notifications, and I have to log in and out if I try to go to these it just keeps spinning. And I do not have an f5 button .. Can you help me please. I am not computer suave ! Thank you in advance for your help. I HOPE YOU SEE THIS !
I just keep refreshing everytime I do something. With that said……This whole world stage is basically teaching patience. Love AU, but feeling a bit twatted at this point, but it is what it is and frankly not caring much nowadays. I have the attitude now that 💩will happen when 💩happens and I go about having my nice day. All goid in due time.