Everyone don't panic! AU is be coming version 2. Or AU 2.0.
It was put into beta back in October and is now switching over to it. I know this simply because I've been beta testing it as well, as have a handful of others.
I personally like v2 it's faster more reliable when typing upload speeds are faster it needs more than 500mbs for media upload but other than that it's a greater version of an already amazing platform.
The switch is why everyone's lagging/failed to upload/profile/
Just have patience frens!
Love that second-chance edit feature for grammatical errors*

I know things must change but I liked the old version better it was much more user friendly.

Once you get used to it the features are awesome like tagging someone@cmbwsu
I could tag people before? I do like the ability to edit.

Only if you knew their tag. Now like wego the name brings up their @ name. This is great! Makes it way easier to add@kad784 Dwight lol

Found out today why my notifications were not going away. Someone tagged me. it was in Mentions folder