Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Working hard to get the bugs fixed however I do need to apologize for rushing this code out.
If you want to use the old version for the time being you can use https://v2.anonup.com.
I will keep you updated and worse case we can revert back fully and I can work with some beta tester in the community.
Praying for you Koba, in Christ Jesus.
Reading the post, see no mention of issues, such as not able to view complete post, cut off. Reading post and it switches. Freezes up when checking notifications. Posting difficult.
Could be me, I am not computer savvy.
I Love Anonup and am so grateful to you.

Yeah, I can't read an entire post; content is so large and cuts off the right-hand side of all posts. In addition, both the right and left-hand navigation/content does not show up. These problems only occur on my iphone and ipad, not my laptop; which is also a Mac product. I like that he provided us the old version to use until the bugs are worked out!