You can’t wake the masses up forcibly until the job is (effectively) done, otherwise you get vigilante justice, people in the way of military, and socio-economic breakdown as enemy still active. The “fake normal” we are having to endure keeps the spinning plates of supply chains going just long enough. This feels like “trench warfare in the mind”, with tiny incremental transfers of territory over years, but in the context of unrelenting barbarity and violence.
The arrival of physical discomfort and discontent will wake more people up as they ask questions. So paradoxically the enemy has every incentive to maintain some basic level of fulfilment until they have enough people in their mind and body trap. This makes the awakened look crazy, as the war is so brilliantly hidden by both sides. We still have to shop for food in stores selling poison and denying their staff basic dignity and rights.
This has been a war on the soul and sanity as much as the somatic self.
This is the way to go.... smarter people than us have planned and molded each move and countermove against this evil since JFK's murder in Dallas.
How some want a RUSH JOB JUST TO APPEASE THEIR OWN LIFE is beyond stupid it boarders on pure selfishness. If we operate out of God's love then EVERY soul trapped even the mile matter to him he gives the hand of mercy to all up to the last moment falling headlong into hell!
God made this plan for the purpose of redeeming us from evil NOT so we could become worse than those we see as evil, we are to HATE THE EVIL not the slave attached to it we were ALL once attached to it so its justice if we all go to hell BUT GOD see's what we don't, he reaches out at the precipice of out last breath in Love!