Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
Please clear your cookies. CTRL+F5.
Still working on other bugs but pictures and videos should be loading now after you refresh and clear cookies.
Liking changes so far, except I have to refresh each time I try to open a page. I'll try clearing cookies.
There is one feature I don't like, the flashing red notification and message buttons. I don't have new messages yet it continually flashes, they both do.
I have a nerve injury which affects my eyes with flashing lights. I had a wierd dream before waking this morning, something I couldn't understand but seemed amusing. It was some sort of 'instrument' which when flipped over had a button in the middle setting off a red flashing light either side with the instrument pulsing. . In my dream I connected it to Boris Johnson!
Please, can you stop these buttons from flashing.
Louisiana wife, mom, grandma, and Anon fren & an American Patriot! Willing to do my part to redpill all that I can! On twitter @julierhcreed
@administrator I also have problems with the flashing light. I am on seizure medication and flashing light is a trigger for people who have seizures.