I have found that discovering new lies about our world, but being unable to socially "resolve" them, just leads to more distress. There is a rate at which we can safely absorb the extent to which we have been enslaved. The cruelty and magnitude of it all just keeps growing. Those secret societies sure did keep some big secrets!
I have learned - I don't HAVE to know about all of them "right now".
I can't prove any of them (on a personal level)... /digging TOO deep - is an exercise in ego - not anything extremely useful to me "today".
When I have time I may choose to learn more.
I'll stay open. See if info lines up with my "main" source of truth.
Many Anon's have fallen into a trap of "needing" to know every lie "right now", -> silly.
Many have fallen into a trap of "needing to be right" about "everything". ==> ego.
Needing to know our govt lies. Important.
Discerning relevant lies (e.g who stole election/ who is funded by big pharma/ and big pharma and govt. are trying to kill us) important.. in fact critical to life...
I'm not sure if Tartaria is relevant or not.
Bottomless pits are already proven (Bible) - other things about them??? Do I need to know today? Maybe - but I can't think of a reason why off the top.