I have found that discovering new lies about our world, but being unable to socially "resolve" them, just leads to more distress. There is a rate at which we can safely absorb the extent to which we have been enslaved. The cruelty and magnitude of it all just keeps growing. Those secret societies sure did keep some big secrets!

Canadian. I consider President Trump our world President. An artist, have many interests and who believes we are all precious in God's eyes.
Lots of disturbing things here to be sure Martin. That's where FAITH, LOVE and TRUE UNITY comes in!

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
Where in the hell is the love and unity here on anon up They won’t even acknowledge a request for a prayer unless you’re in their little group or have a popular name it’s fooked up.
😫Can easily follow your anger here. You are absolutely right, we can see that over the years. When I was down about my kidney cancer diagnosis, there were 2 that I actually don't even follow here who responded and tried to comfort me. None of the so-called big ones bothered to spend 1 minute on my little profile, even though I've been with you from the start and as much as possible when I'm trying to help others with comfort. It made me very sad and thought wow,,I mean nothing here.😩

I will pray for you 🙏❤️

are you ok? where are you at with the cancer? i follow you but didnt know. prayers for you sister.

❤️Thanks, I've had one kidney removed, they can't do anything else. And I have to be scanned again soon because I have to be watched often. Because my bones hurt. But I am on alternative cures against this and do everything I can with fresh air and healthy life here by the sea where I live. I'll probably make it because I'm stubborn, smiles. Many hugs from me🙏🙂

are you ok? where are you at with the cancer? i follow you but didnt know. prayers for you sister.

are you ok? where are you at with the cancer? i follow you but didnt know. prayers for you sister.

are you ok? where are you at with the cancer? i follow you but didnt know. prayers for you sister.

Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
You mean everything to God and that is all that matters you are a light filled with love, goodness and kindness. Maybe the people here are in their own little world just trying to figure everything out no doubt it’s overwhelming. But not to show love and support any chance they could get for an Anon is incomprehensible to me. I would be honored to be your new little friend Maria please DM me if you ever need anything or you just need to talk. ❤️xo

🙏Thank you for your kind words, it warms my heart. It's certainly not easy these days after I had one kidney removed, I'm totally debilitated and don't weigh much and struggle to gain weight. But I manage it and have started walking a bit with the dog and am on an alternative course as they cannot do anything further, but are not sure yet whether it has spread, I have a lot of pain in my bones. But taking dandelion cure ginger garlic and lemons, yes many good things. Trying to keep my spirits up and be positive all the way, but to that extent have found out who are friends and not in my life. I have heard nothing from many - Sad world I must say, and especially when I know I have always been there for others. But thanks again, now I know you listen and are a nice and good person. Many hugs from me🙂💙❤️,