Quick With a Joke, A Light up your Smoke, But there is someplace I would Rather Be. Self Proclaimed President of KEKistan!! Exiled in VA
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CIA and three letter Agencies have been quietly Infiltrated long ago...

Patriot of Earth. We ARE Freedom. WWG1WGA
"Read it again. Let it sink in good"
So besides other things, it feels like we're being fine tuned in the art of discenment?
Perhaps we need only a certain pecentage
of us to be fully there? That this specific percentage will switch the rest in the collective mind eg We don't have to have an equal amount of salt to amount of water in order for it to be called salt water.
Well one thing is for sure – we're not giving up.

Professional Free Spirit ✨ On a Mission for Mother Hearth💚 #KennedyVision Ambassador 🕊️ #FamilyIsEverything💖

Family is everything. MAGA. Dark to Light! 🥰🥰God Bless President Trump, Flotus & family.🙏🏻 🇺🇸WWG1WGA. 🇺🇸 God always wins. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

But if half the country thinks what is true is actually false and the other half recognizes it as truth, we will keep fighting each other until enough wake up.

Child of God🙏 Save our Precious Children💕Love for Humanity & Peace WW🌎God & Country🇺🇸Trump Won FREEDOM FOR ALL 🦅
I vowed my whole life to take down those that hurt our children and while I've been struggling myself, I've kept it to myself! I bought a home and my boss knew it but then decided to let me go after I closed. I still have chose to still fight because there are those far worse off than me! I will fight until the day I die even if it kills me first! Who knows maybe it will, but I will never give up! I have faith and I know faith will get me through! Your songs on Spotify have kept me sane! Love You VK!
Thank you for everything! God Bless!

just watched. thanks for sharing! everyone needs to watch this! it's not over

FULL faith in Jesus Christ! Trump Loyalist. JFK fan. Blessed to be part of The Great Awakening. WWG1WGA! #FamilyIsEverything #TRUMP2023
I noticed that was the main theme of all of the commercials tonight.

What do you mean? I guess i should have been paying attention instead of destroying my kitchen making a candlemaking wax disaster scene.

Praying for everyone while we wait for the rest to wake up. God I hope its soon.

🇨🇦‘s For Trump 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Kindred Spirits✨ #The Great Awakening #WWG1WGAWW #TheBestIsYetToCome #GodWins #JfkJrLives

I AM my Soul #WWG1WGA #FamilyIsEverything. All Glory Be To God
From the little I've seen (on here) many Anons are missing (the fact) the Light is within our own hands.#CHOOSEWISELY

Truth Conquers all Things... This is beautiful. That is going on my wall. 🙏

We share very few sentiments with our government.
I was kinda hoping that DJT was going to have all the MSM seized and taken over for treason, then use the airwaves to broadcast the truth. Us red-pilled don't need it, but the sleeping rest will only believe something if their @#$*& TVs say so. In that scenario, the inverse of Casey's words come true.

I AM my Soul #WWG1WGA #FamilyIsEverything. All Glory Be To God


The pursuit of truth, in freedom for freedom's sake. #WWG1WGAWorldwide #WeAreOne
Like FISA 😎

Twit contact ELM 23 @inittogether23 In a happy relationship with my handsome #save the children #freejulianassange #Trump2023
We will never stop seeking the truth

Gifted Empathic Healer and Truth Seeker
Anyone else catch the clip right after the halftime show when they were admiring the skyline, then cut away really fast? The skyline had a mountain!!! There are no mountains in Tampa Bay!

Can anyone from the Tampa area confirm if there was a game played there?

Crickey KeKz, TwaTTeRed x12 got fairly ridiculous, glad you're all here doin good. As1WeRideStorms. As1WeAreAll. Romans 12:2. Aroha nui.
I'm in Kiwiland and don't know your back yard ,, but this came in earlier from George. No mountains but not 360 ,, some other things that locals may know. Nice lil flyover at the Puppy Show.
- https://youtu.be/_G_jU89X0Kk
- https://www.bitchute.com/video/EZ64jPEHTn1C/ X22

Retired 12x Twitter Censored Champion!🏆 A Patriot 🦅🇺🇸 Leader in #5D 🌎☮️ 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺#NeverSurrender #LoveOverFear #17 🦁❤️👼🤍👼❤️🦁
🚨🦅🇺🇸 Calling all patriots🇺🇸🦅🚨
?Patriots Please help!?
I flew to Palm Beach Yesterday! My YouTube got shut down with my 5,000 subscribers for a week for a “1st strike” as I was about to film in front of Mar-A-Lago. I’m here for help bring light to the evi
You cant believe what you see and hear, you must feel it in your heart and soul!

Goes Both Ways in Simple Gematria equals: 159
John F Kennedy Jr in Simple Gematria equals: 159
Time To Wake Up in Simple Gematria equals: 159
A Week To Remember in Simple Gematria equals: 159
Goes Both Ways in Jewish Gematria equals: 1703
Everything Is Connected in Jewish Gematria equals: 1703
#JFKJRLIVES #wwg1wga #MAGA 😎❤️🇺🇸🦅🍿

15+9 =24= ENJOY THE SHOW

These are epic!

Spiritual patriot, save our children, animals, country, and beautiful planet!

Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior! Casualty of the twatter purge (7 accounts gone) WWG1WGA ❤️✝️❤️🇺🇸🙏🍊
a few more for your arsenal...

Family, GSDs, our Veterans, Warriors and Patriots. D5 then 5D
True meme.
We would have to be conspiracy theorists if everyone just told the truth.

Love God #FamilyisEverthing Love my Country #GodAlwaysWins 🙏🏼🙌🏼💖🇺🇸

so does the FISA Vaccine.

"Family Is Everything" We are 1 Family PURE BLOOD FREE THINKER WWG1WGA Pro2A Conservative ULTRAMAGA KAG SiVisPachemParaBellum GOD BLESS ✝️
👍You Betcha!

Truth seeker...can’t sleep anymore...420 vibes guy...music lover...poet...Rmt Vr...golfing... books...fafo...MotorCity...🍿🍿🍿❤️🇺🇸
before the anthem they said “military district of washington” ... ?!