I lived in the room at the top in the corner with the curtains making a V shape (8th pic). But no more! Goodbye to London... and also goodnight from sleepy Newton Aycliffe in County Durham.
I wish for your bare feet to tread on the living earth absent of cement and pavement. I hope all the breaths you take in are filled with the smells of nature and less of the gray and regenerated sterility of civilization. I hope that if you do not know of it, you will learn of what it is like to be awakened in the morning with a chorus of birds so voluminous in quantity and varied in species that it startles you to gasping breath and a racing heart, so wrapped in blinding admiration for the effect that tears flow. I have an esteemed view of you Martin and absolutely mean no condescendence whatsoever, however, I must tell you that I can "feel" the city in you through your scripts and pics. I left my lovely home woods and spent over 20 years in cities. After knowing both worlds for about the same time span I must confess it is my home woods I dream of and is where my mind wanders during afternoon naps now. I wish for you to know the same as a memory of a lived experience, not a holiday.