One Step At A Time...
Moments like this I have to remind myself to stop, relax, breath and give it to God. I'm a bit overwhelmed and I need prayer not only for myself but friends and family as well. One of my friends, her husband was laid off and was told to file for unemployment. The job did cut backs and they let the guys that refused the jab last year go. Also my dad had lazer surgery done on a kidney stone and a stint put in, moving too much hurts him so he has to be still and rest...my dad does not know how to switch off lol. Additionally Shareef, my boyfriend, has been experiencing alot of pain lately some of it is lyme disease related accompanied with other aches and pains that make him really uncomfortable. Finally my hot water heater busted today, it's going to be a rough 48hrs getting it replaced. Budget is going to get tight but God will see me through. Thank you to anyone who sees this and feels called to pray for all of us! 🕊🙏🤍
I had kidney stones, lythotrypsy, & stint, very uncomfortable; dirt road dicussions on TG has lits of info on Lyme disease & treatment…hang in🙏🏻

I'm sorry you had to go through that never fun, my dad's been dealing with stones for several years now 😞 Shareef follows DRD even directs others to them when they want more info on ivermectin. He's been taking it regularly I just pray he can start to feel more himself soon rather than a prisoner to his own pain.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Found out my stones were caused by my PTH (parathyroid hormone level) being elevated. The parathyroids, there are 4 of them about the size of a grain of rice, control the amount of calcium in your body. 2 of mine has benign tumors on them, so it was saying I needed more calcium, which led to calcium being depleted in my bones causing osteopenia/porosis. It caused many symptoms, high BP, fatigue, kidney stones, mild depression. There are several symptoms & I had about 10. Had the 2 parathyroids removed, & had to take calcium for awhile since my system was dormant. About 2 months later my symptoms resolved. PTH is a simple blood test that can be done. My levels were much higher than normal. I found a plant based calcium to take since calcium over the counter is basically crushed rock. May not be his issue but possibly.