Being an anon requires exhaustive mental fortitude. If you’re still here reading this and not giving in to black pills from all sides, I salute you.
I know I'm getting hit from all sides of my family and friends right now.
They are swallowing black pills daily with everything that the corrupt are getting away with and I have no answer's for them anymore other than we will have to just wait and see what happens.
If I'm reading this right, they've been made to live through the lives of those who tried to wake them up years ago. But they don't have the stamina, because these are their first steps on this path.
Now they acknowledge that things are indeed upside down (this is actually an improvement from before), but are not yet independent. Where do they get their black pills from? From watching TV?
They haven't fully understood what it means that the entire show is fake. The news cycle is fake. That's why they keep on falling back. No Holy Spirit to guide and help them (yet). That is why "Biden" and many other public figures keep on "glitching" from time to time to remind us it's really a show.🤣 The TV News world is supercharged stupidity. It's amazing to witness this!
From what I'm seeing, much that what appears bad, is likely for good. Think how many food processing centers have burned down and what kind of GMO stuff has been added to the food for years.
Humor helps