😼 Weather Wars exist
as a Californian I know that from experience
because my state has been attacked for decades
by deep state demon created
droughts, wildfires, mudslides, floods, earthquakes,
tsunamis, pounding rain & floods
causing many deaths
loss of homes, businesses
roads, etc.
[As I post this we're in another DS rainstorm 🤬]
As I understand it, the GREATLY WEAKENED DEMONS
have only a few weapons left:
Weather weapons & Cyber warfare abilities
& they are going to use those until they're dead.
Q The Storm Rider has posted we have roughly 14 months to go
& I can't tell you how happy it makes me
to know we'll see the back of these devils FOREVERMORE 🙏
Here's a great 2 minute video about HAARP
💥High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program💥
👇 Laura Aboli
About HAARP in case you have not yet gone down the climate engineering rabbit hole...

Patriot, 1 with God, #WeAreWinning, Encourager, Love is the Key, WWG1WGA~ #FREEDOM~ Sovereign~ Gratitude~ Grace~
WHY do we have 14 mos. to go? If we're watching a Movie & it's all been done: WHY then does HAARP still have 14 mos. to Devastate our Climate? I live in AZ & the sky has been COVERED with ChemTrails the past several weeks. If "WE've WON", as the WH tells us daily; WHY then, is HARRP still allowed to HARM us?
I just can't get all this to add up; can you?

😼💞 I posted this last week but it bears re-posting
because people are worried about '14 months.'
Keep in mind that the ensuing 14 months aren't all WAR!!
🕊️ There is so much WONDERFUL also.
No more IRS, Income Tax, Fed, the QFS, Gold-backed USN's,
NESARA / GESARA, Tesla Tech, etc.
QTeam is winding up a 60-year WAR
& the TOTAL DEMOLISHMENT of the demon matrix.
🌪️ Q The Storm Rider
When Elon Musk Tweeted ‘Follow The White Rabbit’
👉the FINAL year & a half White Hat MIL OPS
were given the GO
These MIL comms were connected with the deaths of
QE2, Evelyn de Rothschild & Pope Benedict
Jan 22, 2023 begins 🧧🐇 The Year of the Rabbit
White Rabbit OPS launches its FINAL 14 months into 2024
The Final Year / White Rabbit Ops connects to
Everything is scripted 📽️
👇 QTSR 2 pages

Abraham Lincoln: Let the People Know the TRUTH and the Country is Safe. Love me some MAGA ENERGY!!! 🇱🇷❤️🇺🇸 IFBAP 🇱🇷❤️🇱🇷
Your quote """Keep in mind that the ensuing 14 months aren't all WAR!!
🕊️ There is so much WONDERFUL also.
No more IRS, Income Tax, Fed, the QFS, Gold-backed USN's,
NESARA / GESARA, Tesla Tech, etc."""
Thank you for addressing the 14 months. Armed with the above information, it will make the 14 months BEARABLE! Very much so!

In case you haven't considered this,
QTeam are doing EVERYTHING EVERYTHING they can for us.
We are in homes
those of us lucky to have them.
We have food & supplies & gas.
Digital Soldiers / Anons / Patriots are NOT jabbed.
The White Hat Military Alliance have conducted
a global Military operation
& toppled governments, religions, corporations, banks,
currencies, stock exchanges, royals, elite clubs,
ALL the demon constructs
with as little damage to Humanity as possible.
Special Forces have gone into COUNTLESS D.U.M.B.S.
& rescued MILLIONS of trafficked children, men & women.
Years ago I thought
however long this takes I'm all in.
Victory or death.
I'm all in.
I support QTeam with all my heart & soul.
Whatever they need, I pray they get it
however I can help, I am here 🙏💞🕊️

Autistic but Awake. Looking up for my Blessed Hope. This war will be won through action proceeding from prayer.
Until we can know for certain what is true, well, it's simply fiction, or a movie 🎬. Of course I want to believe in Nesara and White Hat deliverance, but the truth is I don't know anything for certain!! Others are more confident perhaps because of inside knowledge. From where I stand, I see power moves that could be amplified by using the power of We The People, but not really for the People.
I'm really sick of being lied to and led around in circles!!
I can relate to being sick of being lied to OUR ENTIRE LIVES
as well as in this war from BOTH TEAMS!!! 🤬
But I'm an optimist.
We haven't slogged through this sh*t
since we were born for nothing.
We're here to witness, participate in & help
the VICTORY of the LIGHT.
According to Gene Decode
of all the wars he's studied going back 1000s of years
1. INFILTRATION by the White Hats into the demon matrix
& destroying them from WITHIN their ranks.
2. Going into the D.U.M.B.S
& rescuing the trafficked children, men & women,
seizing ALL assets,
DESTROYING clone factories,
horrific science labs,
Neither had ever been done before now.
I have TOTAL FAITH in the 60-year Plan To Save The World.
QTeam has demolished the demon matrix BEHIND-THE-SCENES
while we slept safely in our beds.

. I love GOD and AMERICA. Trump Kennedy Patriot. Me and Hubby retired. On Gettr @cathyldup.
Love and Respect 4Ever! 🇺🇸❤🙏🇺🇸❤🙏🇺🇸

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
And yet with great joy you push on Katisthesea


President: Donald J. Trump. The Corp. Never Ever give up. WWG1WG1 And above all Trust God. Pray often.
I do enjoy your work Kat.

Bless you, Wlim 💞

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
This is a battle for humankind. Our species will be destroyed if we fail to get this done. I am 78 years old, but I will put on a uniform and strap on a weapon if needed to fight this battle even unto death. In chapter 15 1 Corinthians:
"Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. I am telling you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. This perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality. Then will come about the saying that is written: “Death has been swallowed up in victory. Where, O Death, is your victory? Where, O Death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law; but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Brothers and sisters be firm, immovable."

I believe you're 100% correct Brandy.
Gene said this last year & I've never forgotten it
because I KNOW it's the TRUTH.
Gene Decode
"This war is not like WW 1 or 2
This is a war for Creation
This is a war for all of Humanity everywhere
This is a war for the Milky Way
Our Solar System
This is a war for it ALL
This is THE WAR
The beginning of the war between Dark and Light
If we do not prevail here
We’re done."
Juan O Savin is always saying
"Failure is not an option."
But both Navy men, which Gene & Juan are,
it's just that it's MUCH MUCH MUCH BIGGER
than most of us can comprehend:
For the Solar System 💪🌞💥


1st ,the plan began in Lincoln's time, it was the Q Plan.
2nd, this is the 1st time, the Galactic Alliance is involved

😼 Agree Commander,
Q Military Intelligence goes back to President Lincoln,
& perhaps to Jesus' "The Gospel of Q."
But this current Plan To Save The World
as I understand it, was launched Christmas Eve, 1963 💓
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
“President Trump said numerous times
that he was invited to run for the Presidency.
Well, who invited him?
Did you get the memo?
Who invited him?
Who’s he talking about?
This Military group that has roots
all the way back to MacArthur.
That MacArthur crowd
is the original crowd that led to
the 17th letter operation in this current period.
👉 It’s got earlier origins prior to that even
but the modern side of this
is a MacArthurian group.
All of the things that they’re doing
from the 54 code forward,
in the Military Code of Justice in America.
[Protect the Continuity of Government.]”
RIP JFK - we will succeed.

Praying for President Donald J Trump & all those souls dedicating themselves to saving the world from those who seek to destroy us.
Praise Jesus! It is [their] world that is being destroyed. By the grace of God our nation is being placed back upon its original foundation. We are witnessing the rebirth of our nation and other nations around the world.

PROUD to be an AMERICAN 🇺🇸 Navy Nurse Veteran🦅⚓️💫✨🇺🇸
Agree 100% Kat, we are witnessing & experiencing something quite extra-ordinary ever in the history of the world! To be a part of this is well,is brilliant as you said above. The biggest sting op ever. I think it was Kim R. who once said , can you imagine the history books that will be written on the? It is going to have to be many books or one giant book for sure!

Unapologetically Authentic. Patriot! Light Warrior! Author. Life Coach~Spiritual/Wellness Guru. Indigo Soul. Divinity Spark. SHINE! #MAGA
Hear, Hear!


Autistic but Awake. Looking up for my Blessed Hope. This war will be won through action proceeding from prayer.
Well, I've got to say, Kat, you present a convincing argument that cannot be ignored!! Thank you for taking the time to do so!!

Alchemist, psyChic, Sense8, exorcist. WWG1WGA

Beautiful, Marina 🙏🕊️💞🤩🙌🙌🙌

#WWG1WGA #digitalsoldier #GodWins #KAG #Qarmy #TheBestisYettoCome #1776 #Theearthisa HORIZONTALplane,ishallNOTbeMOVED No DM replies!
Thank goodness for Q.... we would have had no hope if not for this plan to save the world! It's our only hope and I too strongly know Q will carry us through to a Free World!🙏😇💗