Hello everybody. I am looking for help and advice on how to help my wife who is currently going through a very nasty battle with cancer. She is no stranger to the fight as this is the 5th cancer battle she has fought. a little over 3 years ago,she was diagnosed with Osteo-sarcoma in her jawbone. All of her cancers have been in the jaw, thyroid, throat area. Initially 3 to 4 years ago, they replaced the left side of her jawbone with a piece of bone from her leg, removed the rest of her thyroid and did 4 rounds of methotrexate, chemo. against my advice, she got the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and low and behold, 12 days later, a blood clot showed up in her lung that they were able to treat with blood thinners. a short time later, the osteosarcoma came back in her face/jaw and there is a tumor pressing against her facial nerve causing extreme pain. now you can even see a black cancerous spot externally on the left side of her face. There are no surgical options this time, just chemo. Whe
Royal Raven
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