Daughter of the Most High***Child of Light** Warrior
Yep definitely sucks to see how darkness and corruption has messed things up. It’s always been his agenda steal, kill and destroy. Especially hits hard when it comes to friends and family. Bible’s true, ‘we are not battling against flesh & blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.’ I've decided that regardless of the perspective and opinion’s of the folks I love (even if they are wrong lol 😂) I’m NOT gonna shut the door, then the demons win. Nope! NOT GONNA DO IT! Instead I’ll pray, pray in faith that they’re eyes will be opened, they’re hearts will turn to truth and ultimately forgiveness will reign supreme! VK@vincentkennedy said it so well a while back, wish I would’ve snapped a screen/shot, something along the lines of: (“looks like the only way is LOVE.”)
I agree to a degree...there have been alot that I realized always wanted to control me and in some ways mentally abuse me....i finally one day said no more, and walked away. Most were my family...but honestly I have finally felt peace since I did.