The enemy’s plan was a physical nightmare. We are slogging through its shadow as it is halted and hijacked. That is still a psychological nightmare. There are no real breaks, just shifts in venue. A war for the mind goes with you, riding in your own head.
The Devil not only wears you down, but also sells you the poison pick me up. Bit of a shame that the worldly temptations to divert you are so tempting! There are days when Mr Fookitall comes to visit. Thankfully tends to be a short stay visitor.
The road does get a little bumpy and long and sometimes you might wonder if you took a wrong turn here and there but follow your heart Martin. It’s good and it’s big. When the Devil sends Mr. Fookitall, bury him where he stands with every positive thing you can think of. Get out in nature and take your beautiful pictures. We are different but still the same….Taking a break from the muck and mire is sometimes the best thing you can do. I do notice when people have taken a breather and for a minute I worry and then seem to know that they’ve had to take that rest. Maybe everyone here realizes and the collective good thoughts go out and we help each other thru the lows. I know your words inspire me Martin and I pray that you can draw strength from us as well. Good to “see” you my friend! ❤️