Update on Brunson case! A writ of certiorari was denied. 😔

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
The White Hats have what they wanted in the House for the moment, IMHO they will see how that rolls out.
Slow roll of waking ppl up.
Yeah Nana knows, I am tired of it too.
With what is happening in Brazil right now maybe, just MAYBE that will speed things up with the military.
We are officially losing more ppl per day than we are waking up imho.
Nana is praying that God intervenes!

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
I've been on the edge of walking away for quite a while. I understand the need to get everything lined up, all the documentation, to do this legally - that is the only thread holding me here tbh. And we see little blurps of progress.
But the toll taken on humanity is too huge to keep putting things off any longer. In many ways I still see the whole anon and Patriot mvmt as a way to control, quiet, bully and instill a sense of 'we can't do anything, we have to follow 'the plan' and if we don't, we aren't real anons' kinda thing. It is a psy op on its own merit there. We're a 'click' and are bullied to stay there.
We're being fed breadcrumbs to keep walking the path and we're mesmerized hoping for the next crumb...but never getting anything substantial. At some point, people walk away...
The ones we respect, lately say things completely unlike themselves and it has really made me question. Knowing them long-term, we know when they are 'off'.
Disillustioned much??? Yep = me.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Lean into God!
That is about all you can do right now.
What is the alternative???
We can not win this without the good military, we could never compete with [their] weaponry.
They would take out large numbers at first then we would have pockets of resistance for a short while, but where can you go they cant find you?
Even as well armed as our militia is we at best can only drag it out with resistance, our guns and ammo are only a deterrent, no match for their weapons.
How can you defend against rods of God, heat tanks, flying swarms, satellite surveillance, and no telling what we dont even know yet.
This is the only plan, failure is not an option.
This is God's plan the way I see it, He said he would give us a way, and this is the only plan I see.
Lean on God's plan not man's.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
Sounds harsh - but someone has to say it.
If someone, like me, steps out and says their mind, trying to make sense of things, trying to get answers from fellow anons...they are told they aren't true anons, they are bullied, mocked, blocked. So you tow the line or you're no longer 'one of us'.
That's a cult mentality, that's shunning and intimidation and manipulation. That's not love, caring, unity, helping each other. Yes - some of these people are new on here, and I think some are bots. But the underlying truth is still there - you can't question, because they you aren't 'trusting the plan, you're not one of us' and we're kicked by the wayside. The group mentality or collective...either join our group without questions, or you aren't welcome.
I was called by God when I was 7 years old to be apart from the world, to question everything (anons are supposed to!) and to walk in truth. I'm not seeing truth anymore, I'm seen good people being lied to :(
I'm not alone either.

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
Nana totally understands your despair hun and you can have what ever opinion you like here. Nana is not condemning you, just saying what I see as the truth of our situation, my truth.
I am just looking at the reality of what our options are and I trust God no matter what those options are I know that I am an infinite piece of Him and no matter what happens I will be ok whether it is in this Earth suit or some other vessel.
Prayers for God to give you peace in your heart.
Thank you Nana - I love your openness. I know you're not condemning me, others have. They have mocked me, verbally spit on me, and more - when I reply, nicely, they delete everything and either send more vitriol, or block me. They know I've read what they wrote, and then delete it so I can't say anything.
Or, I get people telling me I am not an anon and don't belong here because I question things...I don't follow blindly, I question. As anons, we're supposed to 'question everything'. Yet when we do, we're blindsided by our own people :(
I also fully trust God in all of this, I don't trust any human plan, I trust God's ultimate plan. If the human 'plan' falls in line with God's plan, then it's a wonderful thing. This is why I question - because man's plan may not be aligned with God's or it strays away over time.
I'm still here. I still have hope. But things are looking really grim. And we have food shortages looming, and personal issues and it's all one big mess :(

As I read this, I can't quite explain but I feel/get every word you are saying. I too understand we have been told to question everything and I also feel we should. I'm not trying to sound negative in any way but I do not ask many if any questions even on au. The times I have, I get zero answers or even thoughts in response most of the time. That being said I feel connections with certain people on here I can't explain either but I do know for a fact there are many good people here. Hang in there, and try not to let others affect your vibe.

Born a rebel, mom of 9, former ER/NICU/PICU/Peds nurse, now M.Ed. Spec Ed, anti-vax, off grid lover, Christ follower, won't tolerate BS...
I'm glad someone else feels similar. Thank you for responding, it feels less lonely.
I keep holding on, I'm stubborn like that ;)

People often tell me I could be a great man. I’d rather be a good man. John F. Kennedy Jr.
I understand what you are saying also. We are in a serious spiritual battle, and some days are really hard. I trust the plan fully, but it doesn’t mean that it is easy and that some days I don’t wish with everything I have that it could speed up. But I have to remind myself that some countries are living in literal war zones and have been for decades. This is such a massive worldwide operation, it is beyond our comprehension and as someone said, if even one more child is saved by us waiting another day..that gives me comfort.
Yesterday my dad was telling me that in Ireland growing up (so not all that long ago) everyone was so hungry that his neigbors had to work 2 hours before school to get enough food just for breakfast. and their dad would tie a board to the table in front of them so they couldn’t reach and grab too much food— this is the evil that God is wiping off the planet once and for all- starvation for no reason except evil monsters running the world.

Laurie - you are not alone here! I have lots of questions as I haven't been awake as long as most - but I'm here still picking up bits and pieces. I don't know that I trust any plan fully other than God's plans for me. And I only recently (past two years) have returned to believing in Him. It is lonely and stressful in my little world and on here too. I just followed you, so please don't stop posting!

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
I believe that the military has planned for the food shortages in large part.
Perhaps try to spend your days on the positive side of that full glass and dont think about the half empty for a few days.
I think you feel good will get a bit better and you may see more clearly more of the good things happening and all the things coming out not getting traction that we have posted for years without anyone noticing.
We are finally getting public traction on almost every "conspiracy theory" we have reported on now for yrs.
satan wants you to worry and feel bad so we will concentrate on the bad things happening so that everyone will manifest them into actually happening.
We can change that now by changing our thoughts and take his power away completely.
It is not instant but if you do it, your Karma will change and the universe will start sending back the good.