I don't know who will see this, but if you do, could you say a prayer for my daughter please? She is 21 months old and we are fairly certain she has the mumps. We are trying to avoid taking her to a dr/hospital but it's hard to know what to do when she is hurting so much and can't tell us a whole lot. Any prayers, encouragement and/or advice is welcome. Thank you! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
My husband had mumps when he was a child, I spoke with his mother and she stated she just gave him tylenol for children, let him sleep and kept light low cause he couldn’t tolerate lights. Here’s suggestions from the Mayo Clinic.
There is no specific treatment for mumps. Most people recover within 3 to 10 days.
Steps you can take to aid recovery and lessen symptoms include:
Pain relievers that you can get without a prescription such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) and acetaminophen (Tylenol, others).
A cold or warm cloth for swollen salivary glands.
Drinking plenty of fluids.
It's important to isolate yourself or your child during the illness to prevent spreading the infection. Avoid contact with others until at least five days after the start of swollen salivary glands.