On telegram at https://t.me/WakeUpSleepers . Plus https://truthsocial.com/@FreeSpiritedOne - Please don't use this as a dating site. Thanks
I just opened a new container of Folger's Coffee. It had a very bad smell. Not like coffee at all. Smelled like it was processed by some fish or something close to it. If you use Folgers smell your coffee before you use it. Taking ours back to the store. Going back to Chock Full Of Nuts. Just an FYI.
We used it for years ... the ventured out to try something different - The Sam's brand Members Mark is superior to just about every coffee and reasonable!

i don’t trust Members Mark one bit. we get our coffee from Sams as well but started getting whole bean organic and grind it there. Coffee is one of the worst when it comes to heavy pesticides used on crops.

Retired from many life experiences... military, public relations, financial services advisor, fitness advisor - student of golf... Trump!
And most have drinking water that is full of fluoride and chlorine... everything around us is intended for depopulation...