Twitter needs a larger character limit because the crime scene is so big.

Large crime scene but still not one person held accountable. About to lose everything because I “trusted”

its gone

Defender of FREEDOM. We are entering A BRAVE NEW WORLD. Yes, there will be labor pains.
I have (had) and lost more than most will ever accumulate in a lifetime. Used to walk around with a, "Why the fuck me?" attitude. Used to tell people that I was put here for others to hurt me, just to test them to see if they would be sorry, or feel remorse for the hurt that they caused me. We ARE Warriors. Bend, but do not ever break. I pray for those who have caused harm. I find it easier to ask God to give them exactly what they deserve, instead of seeking vengeful revenge. I've been Abused. Homeless. Penniless. Hungry. Beaten, and Battered, both mentally and physically, but I'm NOT DONE, and neither are YOU. Find a Quiet Place, and Talk To God. He hears US.
I will Pray for YOU.