I find Riccardo to be extremely compelling. Leader of Australia 1, and former head of the Aus SAS (Spec Ops).
He is definitely in a position to be in the know.
It's kinda weird seeing such a public personality being so open about the stuff that we have been whispering about in these back corners of the internet!

I think he's frustrated by the attitude of the Australians. The majority is still in the matrix and it will take a lot to wake them up... Maybe even a lot of them won't come out. The various governments have ensured their comfortable standard of living which has always been far superior to most other countries in the world. As a result, Australians looked the other way and the government did as it pleased... Many are sleeping deeply in Australia, the awakening will hurt for sure...

Most of us are not in the matrix...we just don't trust that mercenary...we don't want to be involved with cabal, since he is endorsed by black sun king of north america (now dead) and we don't want to become new US state...
if he was truly fighting for Australia, he would stay away from guarding poppy fields for CIA in Afganistan
he is just another cabal operative

Thank you for the input. Sometimes the enemies best plans to retain control are the boldest plans. He DOES talk scathingly of Freemasons but little else which made me somewhat uncomfortable. But Freemasons ARE a problem so there's that... Oh well as always only time will tell.

If you listen at the plan and talk,it was always there, and none of you really listened to it
he also told you that he took oath of fidelity,allegiance to state of maryland
We, Australians, would be under military occupation,martial law...
Every(yes,every) military in the world is controlled by cabal (dragon families/ black sun)
yes,also the 13 secret militaries of the world
so, the reality of what was planned is that these military forces, foreign troops, would be on our streets,using real bullets,shooting at us and keeping us in our homes
then, after we were all occupied and "free" we would become new US state
I have seen and heard australians crying happy tears during few different zoom meetings when this was talked about , few even said it is the best thing that would happen for Australia
is this what you really want???
why do you think they built fema camps here in Australia???
elon and social credit system

Elon? The Social Credit control system was built by Google for China.

It would have been controlled by elon,gate and their masters , dragon families and black sun
microsoft azure was deeply embedded into controlling everything(disabled in may 2021 by Ground Commander), starnet,starlink,space x, neuralink was supposed to cover control and technical support for social credit system (disabled by Ground Commander)
Elon is cabal, he is not working to help humanity
dragon families rule china, very military in the world and every government...most dragon family elders were not chinese, only Mai Woo was , gold (yellow ) dragon family elder
dragon families and black sun lost hundreds of thousands operatives all over the globe recently
q is black sun operation
great awakening is black sun operation
black sun.black nobility website
it all goes back to abraxas,dracos, king solomon, real rulers of the world were people behind East Trading Co.
but,no need to worry, abraxas are gone,dracos gone...
"It would have been controlled by elon"
Is this your opinion, (based on?), or do you have data to back up your claims?

"It would have been controlled by elon"
what I meant there was, if it wasn't disabled and rendered useless, it would have been controlled by elon...
and, the proof is in the pudding, right???
we are still free and no social credit system, microsoft azure is not controlling anything any longer and all he is left is with twitter and he is trying to show himself as new saviour,while at the same time getting support for neuralink project
he just got himself about 200 m free test subjects... a bargain ,right???

Why do you keep equating Elon Musk with Azure? Azure is a Microsoft product and to my knowledge Elon has never been associated with Microsoft.
Pointing to Elon not being in control as proof that he would have been had he not been stopped is a logical fallacy. I am not control, but that doesn't mean that someone stopped me from being in control, just that I was never in a position to BE in control.
Given your attempts to steer understanding in a direction that you cannot even logically argue makes me doubt your ability to interpret reality at all.
Sorry I'm out.

Already talked about it many times
I spoke about it in details about 19 months ago
connected the dots for all of you
Disabling it (microsoft azure, starnet,starlink and much more) triggered a response from military where they said to Ground Commander that Earth will never be ours(belong to humanity) and that is where they had all of navy ships trying to detonate nuclear devices that were placed on tectonic plates decades ago...
if you remember seeing navy ships in the news all over the world and as "joint navy exercise" in june 2021
florida bay, haiti,hawaii,baltic sea,south china sea and many more locations all over the world
and, yes,donnie tried his nuclear codes too,which didn't work,of course
q operatives failed miserably, as with everything else they tried
I explained all their failed operations
we know their plans and exactly where they are