I am feeling the trauma of the last few years taking its toll. Having been deplatformed and censored, separated from my career, betrayed over and over, forced to watch my kids taken off me by another man I had trusted, then fought against the corrupt local institutions... eventually it affects your nervous system and ability to function.
Have held out for five years, and can feel my capacity to do more eroding. I need time to heal, care for myself, focus on creativity. Facing yet more battles in (corrupt and compromised) court breaks my heart a bit, as it's not my strength in life. There comes a point when you need a miracle to happen, and something very public that completely changes the basis of your society.
This is a very long and arduous road.
Ask the Lord for help (if you haven't), roll your cares onto him. I will pray for Him to lift/ease your burden and remove obstacles in your life. This is a spiritual war, so a spiritual connection is so important. So many of us Love and appreciate you. You will get through this.