Energy Shifter helping the World Transform their lives into the New Earth! Host of Soul Talk Soul Life Media Patriot to the Core...

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
I Spoke with My Daughter's Spirit BEFORE She was Born, when She was "Deciding" which Parents She Would Chose. The Choice was between her Mother and Me and another Couple in Indiana.
She Spoke through Her Mother while Her Mother was Sleeping.
The Simplicity and Beauty of Her Sol made me Cry and I said: "I Hope that You Choose Us." And She Did!
We Named Her ANANDA, which is the Equivalent of the Holy Spirit in the Hindu Trinity. Ananda Means "The Peace That the World Needs."
She Will Be 33 Years Old on February 11th, 2023!

Energy Shifter helping the World Transform their lives into the New Earth! Host of Soul Talk Soul Life Media Patriot to the Core...
I just got chills reading that!
Amazing what is coming through with the children now that we are ready to receive it.

I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Not Just Chills, or "Goosebumps"
I Refer to this as "HOLY SPIRIT BUMPS", or as My Good Friend Radiant Patriot said in Response to a Similar Comment: HOLY SPIRITUS BUMPUS!